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18-19.Feb; Nordirisches AV-Festival
von Freitag, 18. Februar 2011 -  08:00
bis Samstag, 19. Februar 2011 - 17:00
Aufrufe : 5394

Northern Ireland Photographic Association



Friday 18th and Saturday 19th February 2011 at the Courtyard Theatre, Ballyearl


We welcome Keith Brown FRPS. MPAGB. APAGB. FIPF. EFIAP. as our judge.

Entries are invited for the NIPA AV Championship. Entries must be digital.
Full details, rules and entry forms:

Categories: Open  and  Novice
Special  categories (your sequence does not have to fall within these):

Best First Time Entrant
Best Northern Ireland Theme
Best Photo Harmony (judge's guidance *)
Most Innovative Sound

* The purpose of this category is to display a set of images which harmonise with each other and with the sound used.

The sequence should contain no words or story and a specific beginning, middle and ending is not necessarily required.

The emphasis is on matching the images with appropriate transitions and harmonising them with the sound, which ideally should be instrumental music or sound effects.

It is the norm that the sound and the images start and finish together. Where music is used, it is recommended that the original ending of the music is preserved rather than an arbitrary fade-out.

Interpreting the words to a song is not suitable in this style of AV

John Agnew                   028 7964 2204  Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! JavaScript muss aktiviert werden, damit sie angezeigt werden kann.

Event-Link : http://www.niphoto.co.uk
